AA Power board
Get clean 3.3V regulated power from a single AA battery! The AA Power board is a neat board for generating 3.3V from a single AA battery (Alkaline or NiMh), sufficient to power a JeeNode, for...€3.50 - €14.50
Analog Plug
The Analog Plug is a small board containing the MCP3424 analog-to-digital converter with I2C bus interface. The ADC can take 4…240 samples per second, depending on resolution (12..18 bits). It has 4 differential input channels and supports...€3.00 - €13.00
Battery holder
This lets you use JeeNodes with batteries. Either the 3- or 4-cell unit is fine, the 4-cell provides higher voltage/more mAh capacity. Depending on whether – and how well – sleep mode is implemented in...€3.00 - €4.00
Blink Plug
The Blink Plug is a small board with room for two LEDs and two push buttons. A simple software trick can be used to interface to both switches and LEDs using only two I/O pins....€3.00 - €4.50
Coin Cells
Power your Real Time Clocks JeeNode Micro JeeNode Zero etc. with these branded Lithium - Manganese Dioxide 3V coin sized batteries. They are low self-discharge, intended for a light average current draw, achieving a shelf life of several years....€2.50 - €4.00
Color Measuring Plug
The Color Plug is a small board containing the TAOS TCS3414 digital light color sensor. This chip measures the color chromaticity and illuminance of ambient light with up to 16-bits of resolution. An array of 16 tiny photodiodes...€3.00 - €18.50
Compass Board
The Compass Board is a small board containing the HMC5883 3-axis compass module by Honewell. The chip can be configured to 8 different sensitivities, from 0.9 to 8 Gauss full-scale, with read-outs up to 160 times...€12.50
Current Source Plug
The Current Source Plug is a small board based on the AP8803 chip to provide a constant current to two independent sets of power LEDs of 350 mA or 700 mA. The two I/O pins...€3.50 - €19.00
Current Transformer (Clip-on)
This is a quality clip-on current transformer, suitable for the Parasitic Mains Current Sense project, described in the extensive JeeLabs Weblog series as the Micro Power Snitch (MPS). The device is well insulated from the mains potential in...€9.50 - €10.00
DC Motor Plug
The DC Motor Plug is a small board containing two H-bridges to drive a single stepper motor or two small DC motors. The board uses an I2C I/O expander to support the two motor drivers...€2.50 - €12.50
Dimmer Plug
The Dimmer Plug is a small board containing the PCA9635 16-channel PWM LED driver. This driver communicates directly over I2C. There is a “DimmerPlug” class in the JeeLib library to interface with this driver, to...€2.50 - €12.00
Expander Plug
The Expander Plug is a small board with 8 general-purpose digital I/O lines. Each of the lines can be configured individually as input (with optional 100 kΩ pull-ups) or as output. The 2×6-pin connection carries...€2.50 - €6.50
Flash Board
The Flash Board is a small PCB which sits on top of a JeeNode or SMD Kit, turning it into an ISP programmer for ATmega and ATtiny chips. The board includes an 128 Kbyte EEPROM,...€3.00 - €14.00
Gravity (accelerometer) Plug
The g Plug (or Gravity Plug) is a small board containing a MEMS-based 3-axis accelerometer sensor from Bosch Sensortec. With a high (10 bits) resolution and an adjustable ±2/±4/±8g range (i.e. up to 64 LSB/g),...€2.50 - €18.00
Heading Board (discontinued)
This board is no longer in production, see the Compass Board for a high performanc 3-axis / single-port alternative. The Heading Board is a small board containing the HDPM01 compass module by HopeRF. For some reason, there...€2.50 - €17.00
Infrared Plug
The Infrared Plug is a small board which can send and receive modulated infrared signals, as commonly used by many remote controls and appliances around the house. The board uses a CMOS 555-timer chip to...€2.50 - €12.50
Input Plug
Due to high demand from the Summer Sale this item is now out of stock. If you order now, you will join a FIFO queue for the next batch expected mid-November. The Input Plug is...€2.50 - €12.00
LCD Plug
The LCD Plug is a small board containing an MCP23008 I/O expander which connects to most common 16-pin character LCD displays that use the HD44780 standard. The backlight can be turned off for greatly reduced...€3.50 - €25.50
Lux Plug
The Lux Plug is a small board containing the TSL2561 light intensity sensor. This tiny sensor communicates directly over I2C. There is a “LuxPlug” class in the JeeLib library to interface with this sensor and...€2.50 - €11.00
Memory Plug
The Memory Plug is a small board with 1 to 4 EEPROM memory chips. With M24M01’s from STMicroelectronics, the board can have up to 512 Kbyte of memory (4x 1 Mbit). An I2C bus running...€2.50 - €17.00
The MOSFET Plug is a small board containing two high-power MOSFETs for switching loads at up to 5A @ 50V (this will require an extra heatsink). For use without heatsink, a maximum currrent of 1...€2.50 - €9.50
Opto-coupler Plug
The Opto-coupler Plug is a small board containing a dual opto-coupler. It can be used to detect the presence of low DC voltages (a few dozen volts) and currents (milliamps) without creating a direct electrical connection...€3.00 - €8.50
Output Plug
The Output Plug is a small board containing an 8-bit I/O expander plus NPN darlington array. Each pin can sink up to 500 mA @ 50V. Clamping diodes are included, so that relays and small...€2.50 - €8.50
Precision RTC Plug
The Precision RTC Plug is a small (21x35mm) board containing a low power real-time clock with battery backup. It continues to track the time with second by second resolution while the attached node is sleeping or...€3.50 - €14.00
Pressure Plug
The Pressure Plug is a small board containing the BMP085 barometric pressure and temperature sensor. This tiny sensor communicates directly over I2C. Some processing is required to arrive at properly adjusted readings, this is available...€2.50 - €18.00
Proto Board
The Proto Board is a small add-on board which fits over all the connectors of a JeeNode (except the FTDI connector). The two “ends” of the board are slightly different to help identify the proper...€3.50 - €30.00
Proximity Plug
The Proximity Plug is a small board which uses the MPR084 to support up to 8 capacitive input ("touch") switches. A solder jumper allows using up to two of these plugs on a single port....€2.50 - €9.50
Relay Plug
The Relay Plug is a small board containing two miniature relays, rated up to 3A @ 250V (both AC and DC). This plug is designed to switch low voltage, low power lights, motors, fans etc....€2.50 - €15.00
RFM12B Board
The RFM12B Board is a compact breakout board for HopeRF's RFM12B radio module, as featured on all JeeNodes and JeeLinks. If you are looking for an affordable way to add wireless communication to your Arduino...€3.50 - €62.50
RFM69CW Board
Here's a neat HopeRF RFM69CW radio module breakout board. An affordable choice to add modern wireless capability to your Arduino (original or compatible). Supporting both 5V and 3.3V power, this matches a whole range of Arduino...€3.50 - €115.00
Room Board
The Room Board is a small board with sensors for indoor monitoring of several environmental parameters: temperature – via either an HYT131 or a DS18B20 humidity – via the same HYT131 sensor motion – via...€1.50 - €39.00
RTC Plug
The RTC Plug is a small board containing a low power real-time clock with battery backup. It continues to track the time with second by second resolution while the attached node is sleeping (or even powered...€2.50 - €8.50
Thermo Plug
The Thermo Plug is a small, versatile board with room for one of three types of temperature sensors, and either a buzzer or a transistor driver for a modest load such as relay, small motor,...€3.50 - €39.00
The UART Plug contains a hardware serial port with 64-byte buffers for both send and receive. It can support baudrates up to 115200 baud, if the connecting bus can handle this bandwidth. An I2C bus...€2.50 - €11.00
USB power adapter
The USB power adapter is a power supply which delivers 5V to power your projects (or any other USB devices, for that matter). This adapter is extremely compact, yet very efficient. It can supply up to...€9.50 - €13.50
Utility Plug
The Utility Plug is a small board to interface any of the ports on a JeeNode to an RJ-12 jack. The kit includes the following extra components, to handle a variety of simple interfacing and...€3.50 - €14.00
Wire Cutters
Give your prototyping a neater finish with these 110mm diagonal wire cutters. The sharp, compact cutting head with spring-loaded precision box joint works great for trimming component leads and light gauge copper wires. These are branded (DURATOOL...€9.50