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Lux Plug

€2.50 - €11.00

The Lux Plug is a small board containing the TSL2561 light intensity sensor. This tiny sensor communicates directly over I2C. There is a “LuxPlug” class in the JeeLib library to interface with this sensor and return the Lux level as integer in the range 0..64000. The gain can be either 1x or 16x, giving 20 bits of dynamic range.

An I2C bus running at 3.3V is used as interconnect, with all the power and signal lines brought out to to both sides of the board to allow daisy-chaining with other I2C-conformant boards.

The pre-assembled version comes with the SMD-sized TSL2561 chip and decoupling capacitor already soldered onto the board. Note that no 6-pin headers are included.

The PCB only variant contains just the board for the Lux Plug. No parts, no headers.

As connectors you can use a Plug Headers set with 10 male and 10 female 6-pin headers, which makes it easy to connect multiple plugs and JeeNodes in a “standard” way. Or you can solder the board directly in place for more permanent use.

The documentation and full design details are freely available.