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  • Battery holder

    This lets you use JeeNodes with batteries. Either the 3- or 4-cell unit is fine, the 4-cell provides higher voltage/more mAh capacity. Depending on whether – and how well – sleep mode is implemented in...

    €3.00 - €4.00

  • Coin Cells

    Power your  Real Time Clocks JeeNode Micro JeeNode Zero etc. with these branded Lithium - Manganese Dioxide 3V coin sized batteries. They are low self-discharge, intended for a light average current draw, achieving a shelf life of several years....

    €2.50 - €4.00

  • Flash Board

    The Flash Board is a small PCB which sits on top of a JeeNode or SMD Kit, turning it into an ISP programmer for ATmega and ATtiny chips. The board includes an 128 Kbyte EEPROM,...

    €3.00 - €14.00

  • Proto Board

    The Proto Board is a small add-on board which fits over all the connectors of a JeeNode (except the FTDI connector). The two “ends” of the board are slightly different to help identify the proper...

    €3.50 - €30.00

  • Utility Plug

    The Utility Plug is a small board to interface any of the ports on a JeeNode to an RJ-12 jack. The kit includes the following extra components, to handle a variety of simple interfacing and...

    €3.50 - €14.00